Getting your driver’s license is one of the exciting parts of our lives as we would legally travel to the place where we want to go compared to before sneaking around with our great officers. “Safety always comes first” is already an old cliché but has always been forgotten and taken for granted. This is not subjective, but if we are looking at what most news is saying, accidents are most likely to happen not on the novice driver. In this article, I will constantly remind and encourage novice drivers to continue doing and add the factor of the safety tips I will recommend for them.
Guarantee of your safeties? Then, follow these guidelines.

In an orderly manner, first, you must always check the vehicle you are using, from interior to exterior. Inspecting your brakes, tires, and as much as possible, putting an extra tire on the car compartment is much better for your steering wheel and any other.
Next to the important thing is when you are already driving, remove everything away that could hinder you from being alert and focused. Some drivers are not taking this seriously; they keep doing things like texting, browsing their social media, and talking over the phone.
Thirdly, you need always to follow the road rules when driving even if no officers can catch you. It promotes safety, not for yourself but everyone, including pedestrians and other drivers on the road. This could be tricky because, in the Philippines, every city has its own rules or ordinance that you need to know and obey.
The fourth and last guide you need to know is to constantly hone what you have learned from your driving instructor, especially on the different laws or rules on the road.

Driving is fun but sometimes can change to grieving, so always be safe.